You are considered a FIRST TIME vendor if you have never participated in Lansdale Day as an adjudicated vendor
You participated as an approved vendor greater than 5 years ago
We begin booking first-time vendors on Feb 1, 2025
* In order to provide an event with a wide variety of vendors, we limit the spaces booked in several categories.  This provides a show with diversity, charm and minimal competition.  
Below, we will list any category that is full and sold out for the June 7, 2025 event:
  1. Jewelry
  2. Ceramics / Pottery  
Booth Space Information & Pricing (2025)
Note: prices increase after deadline
Art/Craft 10x10 space starts at $80.
Business 10x10 space starts at $150.
Food Vendor spaces start at $190.
Sponsor spaces start at $400.
What You Need To Know about your Booth Space for 2025 Click Here  
For FAQ's Click Here
LANSDALE DAY  ART & CRAFT FESTIVAL is a juried art show for fine art, fine craft & handmade work. Kits, imports, direct sell or manufactured merchandise of any kind will not be accepted in the Fine Art & Artisan area of the event.  All non-100% handcrafted vendors are considered a 'business' and subject to business pricing and will be located in the "Marketplace" section of Lansdale Day.  Artisan pricing is reserved only for those fine artists & artisans who hand make or hand create 100% of their exhibited items.
You MUST be adjudicated for participation in this event prior to completing a booth space contract or sending in a payment.
The Adjudication process is simple and the forms with instructions are below and available for download (pdf format)
♦ ART/CRAFT/ARTISAN click HERE for Adjudication Application Form & submission Instructions  
     must be 100% handcrafted / hand created - no exceptions!

FOOD VENDOR click HERE for Adjudication Application Form
And please review all information on our Food Vendor Info page here
BUSINESS & SPONSORS  click HERE for Adjudication Application Form 
              For levels of sponsorship and what is includedclick HERE
You will receive an email notification when our committee has made a decision regarding your application for participation. 
The email will come from  so please add this to your address book
We generally reply within 1 week - often sooner.  If you have not heard from us in 10 days from the time you submitted your adjudication application, please send us an email inquiry
PLEASE NOTE:   Approved to Participate or "Jury Acceptance" does NOT mean that we have reserved a space for you -
you must complete the following steps to be officially booked as a participant
Once you have been notified of approval to participate, you will then be asked to submit your Booth Space Contract. 
All participants are subject to following all of our show/event rules outlined on the contract form
DO NOT COMPLETE this form until you have been approved to participate
          to see what is included with your level of sponsorship click here 

Please be advised:   Our Terms & Conditions have been revised for 2025 - please be sure to READ these show rules and instructions prior to signing your contract.  Terms & Conditions can be found on page 2 of your contract.  By signing, you (and any personnel in charge of your booth space) agree to adhere to all of our show rules.  Please share & review this information with your staff prior to the event.
make the appropriate coordinating booth space payment by one of the following ways:
a)  at our secure payment page  OR
b)  make a check payable to The Rotary Club of North Penn 
If you made an online payment, you must also email the completed booth space form within one day to:
Mail the completed booth space form and your check to the address listed on the form
PLEASE BE ADVISED.....  to be officially booked: you must submit a completed booth space form and submit full payment.  Sending one without the other will not hold or reserve a space 
What happens next??
Upon receipt of ALL required paperwork and full payment: You will receive an email confirmation that we have received your contract and payment and that you are officially booked for this year's event.  This typically happens within 1-3 days of receipt.  Do Not Lose Your Confirmation!
About 1-2 weeks prior to the the event, you will receive a email with your arrival & vendor check-in instructions, as well as your assigned booth space number
for 2025, we are implementing DEPARTURE INSTRUCTIONS which will be emailed with your arrival instruction packet. Please share & review this information with your staff prior to the event. 
Do Not Lose Your Arrival Instructions; please read them! 

To all Potential exhibitors:
Please refer to your contract for all show rules & regulations which must be followed by all fully adjudicated participants & exhibitors.  The main attraction of this event is first and foremost an Art & Craft Festival; comprised of talented and professional artisans and fine artists who have been fully adjudicated to participate.   We will not accept any flea market or garage sale dealers.  We reserve the right to reject any booth space, table appearance, product or service that is deemed unsuitable for a family atmosphere. We reserve the right, as Founder and Host of Lansdale Day Art & Craft Festival, to reject any application without justification. All dealers/crafters/artists and participants must have a canopy covering their booth space; no exceptionsThose who do not comply will be rejected upon setting up on the day of the event and a refund will not be given. Additional show rules are outlined in the "Terms& Conditions" portion of the Booth Space Contract.   General booth space information can be viewed on our website as well as our FAQ's To minimize duplications, we will limit exhibitors in various categories and designate placement to minimize similar products being next to one another. Business booth spaces are limited and first priority is given to Lansdale, PA area businesses; booked on a first-come-first-serve basis. Additionally, we will book only one 10x10 space per political party if space is available in our non-artisan area of the event. 
After fully adjudicated to participate, and upon receipt of your full payment with signed contract, you be issued a Confirmation via email with further vendor-specific instructions.  Booth space assignments are emailed to all approved vendors approximately 7-14 days before the event.  
If you have any questions, please contact our show manager below.  Thank you and we look forward to your response and participation at Lansdale Day!
Show manager:  Tammy Skiermont
cell:  215-989-2262